The astronomical phenomena reticle is the important component of astronomical apparatus, aerospace measuring and control systems, astronomical image processing systems, etc. We can process azimuth reticles that are used in astronomical telescopes, and alignment reticlesthat are used in target direction devices. Overall, there are up to 54 types of reticles that we produce in this category, including simulated star field reticles that are used in planetariums, meridian reticles, horizon reticles, equator& ecliptic reticles, etc.
Features and Capabilities:
Simulated Star Field Reticles: Composed of 32 star charts and includes fewer than 10,000 fixed stars with differing magnitudes. Optical Density: >6, diameter of the smallest spot size <2µm
Regular Chrome Structure
Broadband Anti-Reflective Coating: Ravg<0.3% @ 400–700nm
Chrome Coating:
Optical Density (OD)>5,
Low Reflectivity (R)<5%,
Transmission (T)<0.001%
Surface Imperfections: 0 Grade; Capable of Achieving the most Stringent ISO 10110 and MIL-PRF-13830B Surface Quality Requirements
Fully Customizable Graphics
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